Tag: xe nâng điện

xe-nang-dung-cho-kho Forklifts are commonly used in warehouses

Common types of warehouse forklifts include: All-electric pallet truck The carrying capacity is 1.6-3 tons, the general working channel width is 2.3-2.8 meters, and the common fork lifting height is 210mm. The electric pallet truck series is mainly used for horizontal loading and unloading of goods and goods in warehouses. There are three types of […]

xe-nang-hang-cho-thue Forklift rental service in Binh Duong

Forklift rental service Forklift leasing is the most flexible and cost-effective way to ensure every operation in your warehouse or factory is fully equipped with forklifts to handle large volumes of goods. materials need to be lifted and unloaded within a certain time (depending on rental period) without loss of productivity during peak months. On […]

xe-cho-thue What information do forklift hirers need to know?

What information do you need to know when renting a forklift? When buying or renting a forklift, knowing how to choose the right forklift for the job requires you to have in-depth knowledge if you want to find the most efficient forklift for the job you need while also saving money. most cost effective. In […]

hyudai Hyundai forklift for sale and rental

Forklift Hyundai Hyundai is a famous Korean forklift brand that is not only famous and won the trust of most users for its long life but also famous for its good product quality, diverse models and extended warranty period. up to 3000 hours through authorized Hyundai dealers. This is one of the plus points that […]

mua-xe-nang-qua-ngan-hang Buying and selling forklifts with installment payments through a loan bank

Buy and sell forklifts with installment payments through the bank You want to buy a forklift through the bank? Not sure what this should include? The article below will help you understand the basics. Some information when buying a forklift through a bank in the form of installment payment Today, with the rapid development of […]

Types of Forklift Trucks

Learn about forklifts There are many different types of forklifts and each type of forklift has different functions, capacities, advantages and disadvantages. Let’s take a look at some of the problems that are particularly common with each type of forklift: Hand pallet truck Hand pallet truck is a forklift with compact size, simple design and […]

thue-xe-nang-o-dau Cheap electric forklift for rent

Cheap forklift rental Samcovina Joint Stock Company is a company specializing in trading and renting used and new forklifts with more than 14 years of experience. Samcovina.com owns a wide variety of used forklifts imported directly from Korea, Japan, Germany, USA and European countries with high quality for sale and rental. If you need a […]

bom-thuy-luc The principle of hydraulic system of forklift truck

Forklift hydraulic system 1. Principle of forklift hydraulic system. The hydraulic system of the forklift is an important part of the forklift. The working equipment accessories and the steering system of the forklift are all driven by the hydraulic system. Therefore, the advantages and disadvantages of the forklift hydraulic system directly affect the forklift’s ability […]

Forklift rental in Long An

Forklift rental In order to bring the best solution for companies that do not have forklifts, Samcovina Joint Stock Company specializes in providing professional forklift rental services for individuals and businesses in Long An. Samcovina offers forklift rental from months to years. In addition, we also provide forklift rental services according to shifts or specific […]

REACH-TRUCK-R16S Reach truck – reach truck – warehouse forklift – cold storage

Sell ​​and rent Reachtruck forklifts – forklifts to high-altitude warehouse shelves – cold storage forklifts Reach Truck or Reach Forklift Truck, reach forklift, warehouse forklift, electric forklift for cold storage. Reach trucks are often used in warehouses, storage, cold storage with a working range on warehouse shelves up to 12m. This reach truck is designed […]

ban-xe-nang-cu-tphcm Nên mua xe nâng cũ ở đâu tại TPHCM, Bình Dương tốt nhất

NÊN MUA XE NÂNG CŨ Ở ĐÂU TẠI TPHCM TỐT NHẤT Hiện nay trên địa bàn thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, có rất nhiều xe nâng cũ giá rẻ, xe nâng Trung Quốc và xe nâng nhập khẩu từ Châu Âu, xe nâng trong nước đã qua sử dụng được thu mua lại,… Chính vì […]

xe-nang-reachstacker Các bộ điều khiển của xe nâng Container Kalmar DRF450

Các bộ điều khiển của xe Reachstacker Kalmar DRF 450     Bộ điều khiển cabin KCU (D790-1) Bộ điều khiển màn hình hiển thị KID (D795) Bộ điều khiển tay-nút bấm điều khiển KIT (D790-2) Bộ điều khiển thân xe trước KDU-F (D797-F) Cũng là vị trí bộ điều khiển thân xe, lựa chọn […]

Forklift used for Cold storage

Electric forklift for cold storage In warehouses that store goods in large quantities, loading and unloading cannot completely depend on human strength, especially with warehouses using high-height pallets. For such warehouses, the use of a specialized lifting equipment is a very necessary solution. Capacitive forklifts in cold storage are the most suitable choice. So what’s […]

cho-thue-xe-nang-forklift Sell, rent electric forklifts in Can Tho and the Western provinces

Sell, rent electric forklifts in Can Tho and the Western provinces Samcovina Joint Stock Company is a direct importer and trader of electric forklifts and Container forklifts. Currently, we have a representative office in Can Tho to support regional customers in the western provinces such as: Can Tho, Hau Giang, Ca Mau, Bac Lieu, Soc […]

electric forklift for ren Electric, Diesel Forklift Forklift Rental

Electric, Diesel Forklift Forklift Rental In Ho Chi Minh City, Binh Duong, Dong Nai, Long An Samcovina Joint Stock Company is an importer and supplier of used forklifts and technical services for forklifts… From the fact that the demand for rental is increasing day by day, so we open a rental service. short and long […]

pallet kho How to calculate the number of pallets that can be stored in the warehouse?

How to calculate the number of pallets that can be stored in the warehouse? Optimizing space but still being suitable for the maximum number of products/pallets is the primary goal of warehouse design. We have made some guesses and calculations through modern information technology equipment about a specific warehouse space so that you can answer […]

bo xac acqui Important knowledge about forklift battery chargers

Share important knowledge about forklift battery chargers Forklift/Forklift Battery Charger is an industrial charger that is responsible for charging/charging forklift batteries as quickly as possible without shortening the life of the battery by overheating or overloading. Before the advent of modern forklift battery chargers, forklift operators/users were often responsible for setting the desired voltage and […]

kiem tra xe nâng Why you need to check the shelves regularly

Why you need to check the shelves regularly Why check the shelves regularly? Regular inspection and repair of storage racks is one of the important factors in warehouse management. Warehouse managers and forklift operators can also contribute ideas in the management of warehouses, berths and yards. Warehouse managers, warehouse operations managers will lose function and […]

bao tri acqui xe nang Instructions on how to maintain forklift batteries

Ways to maintain batteries for electric forklifts Forklift battery maintenance is an extremely important part of keeping forklift operations in warehouses, yards, and docks running smoothly. When a forklift lifts goods up and down with high intensity without care, maintenance or maintenance, it often causes your forklifts to quickly break down and your ability to […]

banh xe hay hong lop Causes of forklift wheel failure

The reasons why forklift wheels are easily damaged If you’ve never been able to monitor or care about the condition of your forklift wheels, now would be a good time to start monitoring and reviewing your forklift wheel condition more often. These are the top reasons why your forklift wheels don’t want to roll, or […]

nen thue hay mua xe nang Should I rent a forklift?

Should Business Owners Rent a Forklift? Many businesses are wondering whether to rent a forklift or buy it outright to own a forklift to serve the transportation, loading and unloading of goods in their warehouse. Each company has its own options, depending on the specific case. If your business uses forklifts a lot and the […]

loi ich xe nang Efficiently manage and operate forklifts

Benefits of a labor management system for forklifts What is a labor management system? In the current delivery environment, there are two main factors preventing you from achieving optimal levels of productivity and minimal costs: – Lack of visibility into the operation – Lack of important indicators to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the operation. […]

mua xe nang hang How much does it cost to own a forklift?

How much does it cost to buy a new forklift? Choosing the right forklift for the transportation, loading and unloading of goods in your warehouse is not an easy job. There are many different types of forklifts to choose from, and above all, each type of forklift has its advantages and disadvantages or is suitable […]

so sanh xe nang Similarities and differences between forklifts

Similarities and differences between forklifts Many people in the transportation service industry, loading and unloading warehouses – ports ask Samcovina the question: What are the similarities and differences between forklifts? What is the main application of each type of forklift? Below we will detail a few types of forklift trucks along with their main applications […]

mua xe nang hang Should you buy a forklift online?

Should you buy a forklift online? With the explosion of information technology, more and more people tend to buy goods over the internet (online online). Forklifts are also an exception, the situation of buying and selling forklifts online is very popular. This is hardly surprising since there is an increasing tendency to buy everything online. […]

diem manh xe nang dien Advantages of electric forklifts

What are the advantages and disadvantages of electric forklifts? Forklifts come in many varieties such as electric forklifts, diesel forklifts, gas or LPG forklifts. Each type has different strengths and weaknesses; So when you want to upgrade your forklift, you need to find out what type of forklift you own. To be sure you can […]

ung dung cua xe nang hang Specific applications of forklifts

Forklift specific applications Are you considering buying or renting a forklift? To help you navigate and make your decision whether to rent or buy a forklift, we provide some basic information that will help you understand the specific application of the forklift. Forklifts are designed to work in warehouse spaces with narrow aisles. The task […]

uu-nhuoc-diem-xe-nang-dien Advantages and disadvantages of electric forklifts

When it comes to electric forklifts, many people often think of them. How can such a large forklift truck, carrying loads of loads up to a ton… be able to run on electricity? In fact, an electric forklift can have even more outstanding advantages. Regardless of the advantages and disadvantages of each car line, each […]

xe nang reach stacker The power of Reach Stacker

The power of Reach Stacker Indeed, Forklifts are considered the kings of the warehouse when it comes to handling and arranging materials, goods or any large or small object in the warehouse. But literally, even kings cannot always have everything within their reach and can be limited in some way. Special cargo yards and ports […]

xe nang hang cu (1) You probably didn’t know these things about forklifts

You probably didn’t know these things about forklifts Forklift trucks are the backbone of the equipment industry. It is one of the most common vehicles (machines) used to handle lifting, moving materials (objects, goods => working objects of forklifts) and forklifts play an important role. important in construction, warehouse, production facilities. But are you sure […]

lop xe nang (2) Forklift trucks and forklift tires

Forklift trucks and forklift tires Types of forklifts: Forklift, forklift is known as a type of heavy-duty vehicle with a crane because it is a vehicle that can lift and lower loads using a set of forks (forks, pallets). Forklifts are used in many places such as warehouses, workshops, farms, freight warehouses, docks and more. […]

nap-ac-qui-cho-xe-nang Instructions for charging electric forklift batteries safely and correctly

Instructions for charging Safe and technically correct electric forklift batteries In the previous article of samcovina.com, we have guided the design standards of a safe battery charging room/station for electric forklifts and forklifts. Today, we suggest a few more safety tips when working with industrial batteries (batteries) for forklifts, electric forklifts Absolutely do not smoke, create […]

tinh co dong cua xe nang (2) Forklift stability and maneuverability

Forklift stability and maneuverability In this article, Samcovina.com will go into depth, specifically about the stability and maneuverability of forklifts. What is stability? When working with loads, forklift stability is one of the most important aspects that forklift users need to be aware of. Here are a few features you should keep in mind. Load […]

REACH-TRUCK The role of forklifts in transporting goods

The role of forklifts in transporting goods Material handling and the role of logistics and cargo handling support companies in this day and age. Material handling, logistics and freight services have a role to play in making lives better, getting things done faster and with fewer workers. But not all regions of the world enjoy […]

Battery charging room standards for electric forklifts

Battery charging room standards for electric forklifts The trend of using electric forklifts for loading and unloading, moving goods (short distances) brings many benefits to warehouses. The environment becomes cleaner and noise is also significantly reduced when using electric forklifts. In addition, in many European countries it is no longer allowed to drive diesel forklift […]

Choosing the right forklift tire for the application

Choosing the right forklift tire for the application There are three common types of tires available for forklifts and a few others that are not so common. For forklifts to work efficiently and safely, it is equally important to choose the right forklift tires to equip the forklift’s applications and operations in many cases, in […]

Do’s and Don’ts When Driving a Forklift

Do’s and Don’ts When Driving a Forklift When operating a forklift there are some things you should always do and some things you should never do. Although some aspects may be obvious, If we do not follow these principles even small mistakes can cause costly correction or repair. Things forklift users should always do: Reduce […]

lai-xe-nang-an-toan 16 basic things to know for safe forklift operation

Basics to know for safe forklift operation Below samcovina.com guides some simple tips and knowledge to ensure the safety of forklift operators. Although these are very simple and basic tips, they are good knowledge to support and guide on health and safety in the workplace. The operator (driver) must be qualifiedForklift trucks should only be […]

an-toan-khi-dung-xe-nang Safety when using a forklift is often overlooked

Safety when using a forklift is often overlooked One of the most important aspects of using a forklift is a safety issue that is often overlooked by many users. Safe use of forklifts includes many of the following: Training in operating and driving procedures, proper vehicle maintenance, proper use, regular inspection of vehicle components such […]

chon-mua-xe-nang-cu Tips when choosing to buy a used forklift

Tips when choosing to buy a used forklift Before deciding to buy a used forklift, research is an important first step before you buy a used forklift. There are four main steps in the research process: Learn the basics Learn and understand basic forklift specifications To understand more about the parameters, we can find out […]

thay-acqui-xe-nang Things to note when changing batteries for electric forklifts

When replacing batteries for electric forklifts, pay attention to the following issues: Batteries are one of the most important parts of a forklift truck. The battery assumes the role of storing power, starting the engine, the light system, etc. when the engine is not in operation. More important than the battery that powers the starter, […]

Linde-Pallet-Trucks Used electric pallet truck

Pallet forklift is a line of forklifts that specializes in lifting and moving pallets at low altitudes, pallet trucks are usually designed to be compact. Type using manual hydraulic lifting system, moving by hand. Vehicles using engines used to control the lifting and moving system. A line of semi-automatic pallet trucks that is a manual […]

cac-loai-xe-nang Advantages and disadvantages of forklifts

Electric Forklift Advantages – Working quietly, without polluting the environment, very suitable for use in cold storage, storage, workplaces that need cleanliness and quiet. – Compact design, flexible movement – Energy saving – Popular use Defect –  Continuous operation time is just over 1 working shift, long refueling time 4 wheel electric forklift Advantages – […]

REACH-TRUCK Sell diesel forklift, used electric forklift

Sell ​​used diesel forklift/electric forklift – used diesel forklift/electric forklift Buying and using used diesel forklifts – used diesel forklifts is always a pain for people who intend to buy and use it because: Users do not know which brand to buy? Do price and quality go hand in hand? What is the condition of […]

acquy-xe-nang-dien Battery maintenance for electric forklifts

Battery maintenance procedure for electric forklifts Almost all electric forklifts of different brands use battery packs with voltage: 24, 36, 48VDC, and the capacity depends on the capacity of the vehicle, the Aqui container, how many batteries can be used. battery to the connector (basic rule of battery connection: series connection => increase voltage, parallel […]

bao tri acqui xe nang How forklifts were invented and how they work

One of the devices used to transport and unload goods are forklifts. Forklifts have become an essential part of every port, yard, warehouse or manufacturing facility. It is seen as versatile machines that can perform various tasks, both indoors and outdoors. The biggest benefit is that the forklifts have the power to complete a job […]

ASILE-MASTER-6 Structure of Forklift electric forklift

Understanding the basic structure and operating principle of the electric forklift truck, from the control system, hydraulic system, transmission mechanism… will help repair operators easily judge the problems. malfunctions occur in each cluster in order to localize and give directions to repair and overcome and shorten the fastest time Diagram of the general functions of […]