Store and maintain forklifts properly
No matter how often your forklift is used daily or periodically during the week or month, it is always important to store and maintain the forklift properly.
Proper storage and maintenance of the forklift will ensure it is safe and always ready to be put into use when needed. On the other hand, proper forklift maintenance will also extend the life of this lifting equipment.
Properly maintained forklifts will also reduce overall maintenance costs, minimizing potential downtime from wear and tear of forklift components when exposed to bad weather. .
So, how to properly store and maintain forklifts? would like to offer a few tips as follows:
Store and maintain forklifts after daily use
– Park the car (storage, stack the car) on a dry area and higher than the surrounding areas to prevent the car from being soaked in water when it rains.
– Make sure the forklift brake is properly engaged.
– Make sure the forks are in an upright position and are lowered to the ground.
– Turn the key switch to the “off” position and remove the key from the vehicle.
– Move the lift lever and tilt the lever in and out a few times to release the remaining pressure in the cylinder line.
– When using an LPG engine, close the petrol valve on the LPG tank and turn the key switch “off” after the engine has stopped naturally.
- Store and preserve forklifts for a long time (in case the forklift is used periodically on a weekly or monthly basis)
– Disconnect the battery plug to prevent discharge and store in a dark, sheltered place.
– Regularly apply anti-rust grease to shafts, joints and other contacting parts.
– Cover the exhaust pipe and other places where moisture can enter.
– Cover the entire forklift with a tarp, a cover with a similar function, or park the vehicle in a covered area to protect it from rain.
– Lubricate all points to be lubricated.
– Maintain the standard tire air pressure (always pay attention to the air and gas in the tires to avoid the situation of the tires running out of “air” – gas that can easily damage the tires).
– Enter the working state and run the forklift once a week.
– When using an LPG engine, close the petrol valve on the LPG tank and turn the key switch “off” after the engine has stopped naturally.
By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you will be able to store and maintain your forklift correctly and ensure optimal function for the entire forklift life.
Cảm ơn bài viết của bạn,
Mình có một kinh nghiệm xin chia sẻ,
Công ty mình có 4 chiếc xe nâng điện, khoảng hơn 1 năm trước do di dời nhà máy, mấy chiếc xe nâng này cho nghỉ tạm thời, bên mình cũng để chỗ khô ráo an toàn, cho anh em vệ sinh lau chùi dầu mỡ cần thận. Vậy mà khoảng 6 tháng sau mang ra sử dụng thì 3 cái hư, qua kiểm tra thì hầu hết hư acqui, bên thay aqui họ nói do bên mình không kiểm tra và xạc cho nó trong thời gian dài, nghĩa là không sử dụng nhưng lâu lâu vẫn phải xạc acqui.
Vui đó thay acqui cho 3 chiếc xe cũng khá nhiều tiền, chiếc còn lại sử dụng không được bao lâu cũng phải thay acqui luôn
Vậy khi xe nâng không sử dụng các bạn cũng thường xuyên kiểm tra mang ra xạc nó nhé
Cảm ơn chia sẻ quí giá từ bạn