Similarities and differences between forklifts
Many people in the transportation service industry, loading and unloading warehouses – ports ask Samcovina the question: What are the similarities and differences between forklifts? What is the main application of each type of forklift?
Below we will detail a few types of forklift trucks along with their main applications as follows:
Forklift Trucks
Forklift trucks are the most common type of forklift and also the type of forklift most people think of when they need a forklift.
Forklifts have forks that protrude from the front of the body, and there are no protruding legs or handlebars on this unit, which means the forklift can move to the exact location of the object. loading statue or goods shelf. This means that the forklift has no access to the requirements of a particular work environment, it can simply lift, load, unload, and move goods under certain conditions. determined.
Forklift engines are typically available with electric, gas, or diesel engines.
As the name suggests, balanced forklifts (balance forklifts) operate a balanced weight design, with the weight at the rear of the forklift, setting up the load lifter at the front. Electric forklifts can operate with a smaller load because the main source of power to operate it is the battery.
Balanced forklift – 3 wheels
The 3-wheel balancer works on the same premise as other balancers however they include a single wheel in the center center of the rear of the body to ensure maximum maneuverability. .
The 3-wheel balance forklift is the perfect choice for use in applications where space is limited due to its tight turning circle and excellent maneuverability. It is also the ideal choice for applications that require use inside, outside and in warehouse stacking. The combination of the bottom balancer and tight mobility ensures maximum work productivity.
Reach Trucks
Forklifts are designed primarily for warehouse operations. Reach Truck provides maximum lifting height (up to 10 meters can be lifted) with excellent maneuverability.
Just as the name (Reach Trucks) refers to this vehicle’s ability to “reach” beyond the stabilizer feet and thus it can “reach” into high shelves with ease. . This combination of accessibility and stable footing enables Reach Trucks to reach great heights (over 10 meters) while operating in very narrow work environments.
The footrest and battery pack stably in the narrow body of the vehicle, so there is no need for a balanced weight in the forklift structure.
Some reach trucks manufacturers design the seat with a tilting mechanism to give the driver a more comfortable and comprehensive viewing position. For better visibility, reach trucks can be equipped with a camera on the approach point fork that transmits signals and viewing angles to the LCD screen in the cabin for navigation. These systems can be wired or wireless, however in our experience wired systems are more reliable as they are not susceptible to interference from outside sources such as broadband wifi networks.
While reach trucks are a great choice for indoor and warehouse use, they are not ideal for working outdoors such as loading docks and ports. The low ground clearance can cause problems on uneven work surfaces and its electrical systems can be prone to trouble if frequently working in environments subject to work surface vibration. undulating.
Manual pallet truck
Manual pallet trucks are non-motorized tools designed to move pallets of goods.
Manual pallet trucks are simple to operate with the operator sliding the forks into the pallet, ‘pumping’ the handle to lift the fork off the ground, and moving the load through the handle.
The front wheels are mounted inside the splints, and when the hydraulic knob is raised, the forks are separated lengthwise from the front wheels, forcing the load upwards until it clears the floor. . The pallet is only raised enough to clear the floor for the next trip.
xe nâng, xe nâng điện, xe nâng hàng, xe nâng reachtruck
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Việc bạn chọn loại xe nâng nào? xe nâng điện, xe nâng diesel, xe nâng gas sẽ tùy thuộc điều kiện sử dụng. Việc chọn xe nâng thương hiệu nào tùy thuộc vào tài chính và sở thích của mình.
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