The finished product price of any manufacturer, any product field is calculated from raw materials, labor costs, raw material costs for machinery and vehicles. In which the materials consumed for forklifts also belong to that cost chain. So how to operate the forklift to minimize it? With our experience, we would like to list ways that car users can apply to save fuel
1. Sudden acceleration of throttle
Sudden acceleration or sudden braking can increase fuel consumption by up to 40% while harmful emissions can be as high as 5 times. In addition, careful lifting drivers also help you limit the cause of occupational accidents.
2. Tires
Under-inflated forklift wheels increase road friction and can add up to 6% more fuel consumption. Check the standard pressure readings in the manual or right on the B-pillar by the driver’s door. According to the US Department of Energy, for every PSI below standard, you increase fuel consumption by 0.4%.
3. Stable speed
In the process of operating the forklift, the driver must master his speed and manipulation to reduce unnecessary braking movements, which will help you save fuel. It is recommended to let the car operate regularly, all at 80% throttle mode
4. Don’t brake much
Drivers should not use the brakes much, because each time the brake is applied, the engine consumes an amount of fuel that at the same time is not effective. Avoid sudden emergency braking when stopping. Take advantage of the vehicle’s inertia to move the vehicle and stop the vehicle, instead of stepping on the accelerator and then suddenly braking. Let the truck drift slowly to its stop when the forklift driver wants to stop.
5. Regular maintenance for vehicles
A forklift that is regularly serviced will operate at peak performance. Your forklift will operate inefficiently, consume more fuel, if the alternator is dirty.
6. Forklift engine maintenance
Regular attention to engine maintenance will help your car operate smoothly, save fuel and improve labor productivity.
7. Do not lift overloaded goods
Every forklift has an allowable load according to the manufacturer’s standards. If you overload the load, the engine will work too hard, surpassing the effective zone, causing fuel consumption to increase sharply. In addition, lifting and overloading also causes your tires to wear faster.
8. Do not exceed the allowed speed
Every forklift has a certain speed limit. If exceeded, it will lead to unnecessary consumption of electricity, oil, and gasoline and may lead to occupational accidents.
9. Using the right materials for forklifts
Using the right oil will help you save 1-2% fuel. In addition, regular oil changes as recommended by the manufacturer help your car run more efficiently and last longer.
Each forklift is different, may use a different engine oil and has a machine oil code. The digits before the “W” indicate low-temperature starting capability. The numbers after the letter “W” indicate the viscosity at 100 degrees Celsius. For vehicles operating in areas with not too harsh weather conditions, the viscosity index can be in the range of 30 – 50, while Vehicles operating in high temperature areas, this index can be above 60.
10. Check the air filter regularly
A clean air filter can reduce fuel consumption by about 10%. The air filter is the element that filters dust from the air before it is introduced into the combustion chamber. The average car needs about 1,600 liters of air when operating for 1 minute. Due to such high performance, the air filter is very dirty, especially in a forklift working environment with a lot of dust such as sawdust, powder, and particles.