Notes when operating a reach truck

Notes when operating a reach truck

Operating a reach truck requires skill and experience to ensure safety and efficiency in the process. Here are important notes when operating a reach truck:

Get Trained and Certified: Before operating a reach truck, attend training and obtain an operating certificate from a reputable training organization. Master the regulations on occupational safety, operating techniques and emergency procedures.

Before each shift, inspect the reach truck to make sure it is in good working order and safe. Check brakes, lights, sirens, wheels, etc.

Always follow safety rules: Follow safety rules when operating a reach truck, including keeping a safe distance from other objects, not overloading, not going too fast, and always in the right lane.

Handle the vehicle carefully: Control the reach truck slowly, steadily and carefully. Avoid sudden acceleration or deceleration, do not fall too quickly, and always ensure a good viewing angle to avoid collisions.

Use personal protective equipment: Always wear personal protective equipment such as helmets, safety shoes, goggles, and protective vests to protect yourself from danger during forklift operations. truck.

Do not sit on or stand on the fork: Avoid sitting or standing on the fork of a reach truck as this is very dangerous. Use only forklift parts designed for operator use.

Careful handling of cargo: Lift and lower cargo carefully, making sure it is balanced on the forks and does not exceed the vehicle’s load capacity. Always make sure the cargo is fixed and stable on the forks, and do not pull or push the cargo too quickly to avoid the risk of the cargo falling.

Follow emergency procedures: Master emergency procedures such as stopping if necessary, stopping when other vehicles or pedestrians appear on the road, and know how to use the fire extinguishing system or equipment rescue in case of need.

Do not use reach trucks on unsuitable terrain: Reach trucks are designed to operate on flat and hard surfaces and should not be used on uneven terrain, subsidence, soft ground or surfaces. unstable.

Routine Maintenance: Perform routine maintenance on your reach truck according to the manufacturer’s instructions, including inspecting, lubricating, and replacing old, damaged, or damaged parts.

Do not exceed operator capabilities: Do not operate a reach truck when you are not physically, mentally, or physically capable of working safely. This means not operating a vehicle when you are tired, under the influence of drugs or stimulants, or are not skilled enough to operate a vehicle safely.

The dangers of improperly operating reach trucks
If a reach truck is not operated properly, a variety of hazards can arise, including:

Occupational accidents: This is the biggest danger of improperly operating reach trucks. Accidents can occur when the vehicle is not driven correctly, drops goods, collides with structures or other objects, or capsizes the vehicle. This can result in serious injury to the operator, bystanders or even death.

Damage or property damage: If the reach truck is not operated properly, damage or damage to goods, construction, equipment or infrastructure can result. This can cause significant property damage and affect the business’s production or services.

Loss of time and resources: When operating a reach truck improperly, it can lead to inefficient uptime, costing your business time and resources. Facing breakdowns, repairing, or replacing damaged parts can also be financially costly.

Legal and toll: Incidents or accidents related to improper operation of reach trucks can lead to legal problems, including violations of occupational safety regulations, resulting in continued interest. or claim damages. This can lead to significant fees for businesses.

Damage to Reputation and Image: An accident or incident involving an improper reach truck can affect a business’ reputation and image.

To avoid hazards when operating a reach truck, the following precautions should be observed:

Trained and Certified: Reach truck operators need proper training and appropriate certification. This ensures that they understand the safety rules, know how to use the controls and prevent accidents.

Read and follow operating instructions: Before operating a reach truck, an operator should read and understand the manufacturer’s operating instructions. This guide provides important information on how to operate your vehicle safely and efficiently.

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