
Reachstacker Kalmar DRD100 52S6

Guarantee: 6 month
Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 2 customer ratings
(2 customer reviews)

Container lifters Kalmar DRD100 52S6

Manufacturer: KALMAR.

Made in: Sweden

Production: 2006

Vehicle Type: Empty container car.

Lifting Maximum capacity: 10.000kg.

Max lifting height: 16200mm.

Vehicle weight: 38700kg

Raw materials used: Oil disel

Container Reachstacker Kalmar DRD100 52S6 / 10 tons

Container Truck – Rechstacker Kalmar DRD100-52S6 – zin is imported from Europe, all parts of the car from the control system, hydraulic system, lift, wheel to paint zin, new up to 80% have been testing the parts, all work very well


Container lifters Kalmar DRD100 52S6

Manufacturer: KALMAR.

Made in: Sweden

Production: 2006

Vehicle Type: Empty container car.

Lifting Maximum capacity: 10.000kg.

Max lifting height: 16200mm.

Vehicle weight: 38700kg

Raw materials used: Oil disel

We are importing many container lift trucks , all are carefully selected before entering.  we conduct the test and commiss that,everything is ok before delivering  to guests.

Please contact us for advice, assistance with issues related to forklift.

Best regards!

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2 reviews for Reachstacker Kalmar DRD100 52S6

  1. Rated 5 out of 5


    Làm tài xế Xe nâng tải trọng trên 10 tấn cần bằng lái như thế nào? ở TPHCM có dễ xin việc không ad? Tôi ở Tỉnh đang có ý định lái xe này. Vậy cty có thể tư vấn giúp dc không?
    Cảm ơn nhiều

  2. Rated 5 out of 5


    Vui lòng báo giá xe nâng 20 tấn kiểu chụp công. Cty tôi ở cảng Cái Cui

    • Samcovina

      Vâng, chúng tôi sẽ liên lạc lại với anh và báo giá cho mình

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